March 02, 2020
Changelog - February 2020
Baker Shogry
Updated on April 01, 2020
Highlights from what we've been working on over the last month:
Transactions: We introduced an optional refresh feature that enables you to pull a user’s transactions on demand.
Sandbox: We added customizable fields to the sandbox environment for the Liabilities product, so that you can test with a more realistic view of student loan and credit card debt. New fields include APR, last payment amount, last payment date, and more.
Webhooks: We added a new endpoint that allows you to verify the authenticity of incoming webhooks.
Link Android: The Android SDK is now out of beta with version 1.0.0. The latest changes include bug fixes and alerts when new versions are available. In the future, simply update the SDK by changing the version number.
Dashboard: We updated the design of our developer Dashboard.