Turn data into revolutionary financial products
Connect to real-time insights on the Plaid Network to create fast, safe, and smart financial experiences.

The internet’s fastest financial onboarding
Increase conversion, fight fraud, and onboard customers to your app or service in seconds.
See onboarding in action
Fast and secure payments
Increase revenue with seamless bank payments designed to deliver higher conversion rates.
Explore payment solutions
Network-powered fraud signals
Stop identity fraud, account takeovers, and risky payments with ML-powered fraud signals.
See how we protect you
Cash flow data for smarter underwriting
Say “yes” to more qualified borrowers and reduce risk with real-time lending insights.
Tap into cash flow insights
Open finance solutions for everyone
Meet open banking requirements and make it easy for customers to connect to the financial apps they need.
Simplify data connectivityVenmo
2m ago
for late night 🌮🌮🌮
1hr ago
You're pre-qualified!
$PLAID order filled
A network that gets more powerful daily
When you build on the world’s largest open banking data network, every product and solution is made better for you and your customers through new data and insights. Your services improve each day without you having to do a thing.
adults in the U.S.
Offer a trusted experience used by half of U.S. adults
higher conversion
Increase sign-ups by up to 25% with easy onboarding
daily connections
Get data from thousands of new daily connections
Scale adoption and grow into new global markets
Want access to 12K+ banks?
We’ve got the keys.
Spend your time dreaming about the experiences you’ll create, not stressing over how to get the data. Our APIs can unlock it all.
const request = AuthGetRequest(access_token)
const request = await client.auth_get(request)
const routing_number = response.numbers.ach[0].routing
const account_number = response.numbers.ach[0].account
const balance = response.accounts[0].balances.available
See what's possible with Plaid
More customers. Less fraudsters. Higher revenue.
Let's get started

When you connect to an app with Plaid, you're in control of who has access to your financial data.