The future of personal finances starts here
Learn how Plaid's suite of products can take your app to the next level
The modern world
The modern consumer has an overwhelming number of financial accounts: checkings, savings, credit cards, brokerage, retirement, HSAs, student loans, and more...
Simplified by Plaid
Plaid gives you access to all of these accounts and more. We take care of the data so you can focus on building innovative solutions and products that improve the way that consumers live their financial lives.
Categorized transactions
Clean and categorized transaction data is the key to understanding spending habits and trends
Account balances
Verify real-time account balances, and enable in-app balance checks
Investments and liabilities
For a complete financial picture, surface insights from investments, student loans, and credit card accounts
Because of Plaid, we were able to scale quickly without hiring additional engineers, saving us an immense amount of costs and time.