An improved Sandbox with customizable accounts banner


May 15, 2019

An improved Sandbox with customizable accounts

Michael Kelly

Updated on October 21, 2020

Today, we’re excited to share improvements to our Sandbox environment based on your feedback. You'll now be able to:

  • Customize the number of accounts and their metadata

  • Test with a broader dataset of transactions

  • Trigger webhooks on demand for an Item

Account data

Using the new user_custom test username, you can customize the account metadata in the Sandbox environment to fit your testing needs. This includes the ability to change account type, subtype, income (inflow), balance, number, and currency.

1// Generate a public_token for an Item with customized accounts
2client.sandboxPublicTokenCreate("ins_109508", ["transactions"], {
3 override_username: "user_custom",
4 override_password: JSON.stringify({
5 override_accounts: [{
6 starting_balance: 10000,
7 type: "depository",
8 subtype: "checking",
9 meta: {
10 name: "Checking Name 1"
11 }
12 }, {
13 starting_balance: 20000,
14 type: "depository",
15 subtype: "savings",
16 meta: {
17 name: "Savings Name 2"
18 }
19 }]
20 })
21}, function(err, createResponse) {
22 // Handle error, if present
23 var publicToken = createResponse.public_token;

Transactions data

We improved the transactions data in the Sandbox environment to represent a broader set of merchants, descriptions, and account types. Additionally, we updated transaction amounts to more closely resemble production traffic. Transactions will be randomly generated from different merchants for each Item.


The new /sandbox/item/fire_webhook endpoint enables you to trigger and test transactions webhooks on demand for an Item via its access token.

1// Fire a DEFAULT_UPDATE webhook for an Item
2client.sandboxItemFireWebhook(access_token, 'DEFAULT_UPDATE',
3function(err, fire_webhook_response) {
4 // Handle err, if present

We’ll be continuing to improve on the Sandbox environment so developers can test more use cases to refine their app and help even more users. In the meantime, we welcome any feedback on these latest improvements and anything else you may want to see in the Sandbox. Reach out to us via the Dashboard or Twitter.