Plaid Consumer Reporting Agency Request Form

To submit a request, you are required to provide all the information below. Please fill out the form with the same information you previously shared with the company that requested your consumer report.

The information that you provide will only be used by Plaid Check to verify your identity and to process your request. We may not be able to comply with your request if we are unable to confirm your identity or connect the information you submit in your request with personal information in our possession.

Please complete all fields on the form so that we may properly process your request. If we are unable to process your request, we will notify you via the email you provide.

To contact Plaid Inc., please visit the Plaid Inc. Consumer Help Center.

Please provide the name of the bank or financial institution for the account that you connected to Plaid Check.

By submitting this form, I certify that I am the consumer identified in this form and the information I have provided is accurate. Further, I acknowledge that I have consented to electronic disclosure of this information by way of my Consumer Services Agreement.

Plaid Check Legal Information