Watch Fintech
Predictions 2025

What’s the new hot topic for banks? How much impact will AI really have? Watch Fintech Predictions to get the answers to these questions and more.

Become an expert on 2025’s biggest fintech trends

Watch key moments from the conversation.

Fraud becomes the #1 topic for banks

As financial fraud rates rise, fraud may soon overshadow regulation as a discussion topic for banks. Learn why.

AI hype will mostly just be hype

Lots of companies will be investing in AI-powered tools. But that won’t translate to impact for customer-facing tools just yet.

Fintech funding is back!

Is winter over for fintech funding? It might be. Hear why fintech and crypto venture dollars could reach 2018-19 levels.

Bank regulators will stay intact

Despite rumors, the Fed, SEC, OCC, and other regulators are unlikely to see major shakeups or shutdowns this year.

Stablecoins will grow massively

Stablecoins will find solid ground...but mostly in use cases like currency hedging and cross-border payments.

Big banks become ad platforms

As regulatory hurdles continue to create challenges for banks’ growth prospects, selling ad space might be their next act.

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