Open Finance

Your open finance journey starts here

Join the thousands of data providers that use Plaid’s industry-aligned solution to grow and stay compliant.

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Illustration featuring a woman looking at her smartphone in the center. Surrounding her are various icons: a key in a keyhole, a credit card with a car, a pie chart with a downward trend, and a person making a payment with a card reader. The background includes interconnected nodes and lines, suggesting a network or connection.

Enable, instantly view, and manage connections to thousands of apps


Leading financial apps are on the Plaid Network. We’ll help you build an FDX-aligned API that connects your customers to all of them with Core Exchange.

Learn more

“Core Exchange is the best solution out there. Its APIs help us deliver solutions in no time.”

Nick Craven
SVP Commercial & Consumer
Banking, TAB Bank

Configuration table interface on a dark background, showing various endpoints and their response statuses. The table includes the following endpoints: Authentication (/customers/current) with a Pass status, Contact Info (/accounts/{accountId}/contact) with a Fail status, List Accounts (/accounts) with a Pass status, Balances (/accounts/{accountId}) with a Pass status, and Transactions (/accounts/{accountId}/transactions) with a Pass status. Surrounding the table are icons representing a piggy bank, a data transfer symbol, a lock, and a credit card.

View customer connections

Stay connected at a glance. Permissions Manager lets you see every customer connection, receive real-time notifications, track authorizations, and more.

Learn more

“Permissions Manager gives us a holistic view of our members’ connections via Plaid.”

Chelsea Potter
AVP of Digital Design & Support,
MSU Federal Credit Union

WonderWallet app interface displaying shared data and accounts. The 'Data shared' section includes Account & Routing Number, Account & Balance Info, Transactions, Contact Info, and Transactions Risk Info. The 'Accounts shared' section lists account identifiers: 8a46dean8172W, 4a94ab217c, 1jskLo02813A. The 'WonderWallet' section shows the app name, logo, and App ID: tuhvo8h192xA1ds1. The background features a grid pattern on a dark background.

manage risk & app onboarding

Feel good about the apps your customers use. With App Directory, you can see thousands of screened apps across the Plaid Network with a no-code dashboard.

Learn more

“We use the app-level insights in the dashboard to equip our teams with better data to manage risk and compliance.”

Liran Zelkha,
Co-founder, Lili

App Directory interface displaying a list of apps with their names, categories, live dates on Plaid, and number of connections. The apps listed are: True Money (Payments, live on 2022-01-21 with 1,329,032 connections), BuyL8 (Payments, live on 2023-10-29 with 218,201 connections), WonderWallet (Robo advisor, live on 2020-11-09 with 23,091 connections), and Investing Coach (Investments, live on 2022-04-02 with 6,980 connections). The background features a dark globe network pattern.
Configuration table interface on a dark background, showing various endpoints and their response statuses. The table includes the following endpoints: Authentication (/customers/current) with a Pass status, Contact Info (/accounts/{accountId}/contact) with a Fail status, List Accounts (/accounts) with a Pass status, Balances (/accounts/{accountId}) with a Pass status, and Transactions (/accounts/{accountId}/transactions) with a Pass status. Surrounding the table are icons representing a piggy bank, a data transfer symbol, a lock, and a credit card.
WonderWallet app interface displaying shared data and accounts. The 'Data shared' section includes Account & Routing Number, Account & Balance Info, Transactions, Contact Info, and Transactions Risk Info. The 'Accounts shared' section lists account identifiers: 8a46dean8172W, 4a94ab217c, 1jskLo02813A. The 'WonderWallet' section shows the app name, logo, and App ID: tuhvo8h192xA1ds1. The background features a grid pattern on a dark background.
App Directory interface displaying a list of apps with their names, categories, live dates on Plaid, and number of connections. The apps listed are: True Money (Payments, live on 2022-01-21 with 1,329,032 connections), BuyL8 (Payments, live on 2023-10-29 with 218,201 connections), WonderWallet (Robo advisor, live on 2020-11-09 with 23,091 connections), and Investing Coach (Investments, live on 2022-04-02 with 6,980 connections). The background features a dark globe network pattern.

Grow faster and stay compliant on the industry’s most trusted platform


global financial institutions are on the Plaid Network

1 in 3

adults in the U.S. have connected to an app or service with Plaid


of Plaid’s traffic is already using or committed to using APIs


Learn about open finance,
Section 1033, and more

Section 1033 & open banking: 3 solutions for data providers

How MSUFCU connects their members to thousands of apps

What is Section 1033? Get to know the latest CFPB rulemaking

1033 compliance made simpler: Plaid Effects product deep dive

Open finance: Unlocking a connected financial world

How Wise enables customers to view and manage connections

How Plaid customers can prepare for open banking regulation

What data providers need to know about Section 1033

background brushstroke

Get started on your open finance journey

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