Customers using this solution

From bookkeeping to payroll, business finance and accounting processes are complex experiences for employees and customers alike.

Plaid reduces administrative time by giving users an easier way to connect their financial accounts to your software or app.

Products and benefits
Faster payroll or payment enrollment

Auth pulls users' account and routing information information icon, which can be used to enable seamless payments and transfers in the US and Canada, and debit withdrawals in Europe

Smoother invoicing

Balance instantly checks whether users have the funds to make a payment or transfer

Simplify expense management

Identity confirms users' identities with what’s on file at the bank — and Transactions can help find a reimbursable transaction

Better bookkeeping

Transactions provides up to 24 months of clean, categorized data for personal and business accounts — and Enrich unlocks detailed insights for non-Plaid sources of transactional data, like user imported bank statements

Questions about how Plaid can fit into your business?

Our Sales team can help you find the right solution. Fill out the form and we’ll get in touch shortly.

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This form goes to our sales team. If you have questions about connecting your financial accounts to a Plaid-powered app, visit our consumer help center for more information.

"Plaid is neither a “consumer reporting agency” nor a “furnisher” of information to consumer reporting agencies, and Signal provided by Plaid is not a “consumer report,” as those terms are defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), 15 USC 1681 et seq., its implementing regulations, and relevant state consumer reporting laws and regulations. Signal may not be used in whole or in part as a factor in determining a consumer's eligibility for credit, insurance, employment or any other permissible purpose under the FCRA."