product features
Verify user identities using bank data
Verify user identities using bank data

Retrieve and match user names, phone numbers, addresses, and emails for individual and joint accounts—this can be used to complement KYC procedures

Onboard more good users without friction
Onboard more good users without friction

Auto-fill forms with identity data when users link their bank accounts

Reduce fraud losses and help prevent account takeovers
Reduce fraud losses and help prevent account takeovers

Identity data can be used to help prevent an account takeover (ATO) or other transaction fraud, either during onboarding or when the source of funds is switched

Make an Identity request

Use the endpoints to submit a POST request


phone numbers



Retrieve Identity request

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
   "client_id": String,
   "secret": String,
   "access_token": String,
   "user": {
       "phone_number": String,
       "legal_name": String,
       "email_address": String,
   "address": {
       "street": String,
       "region": String,
       "country": String,
       "city": String,
       "postal_code": String


Make an Identity request

Use the endpoints to submit a POST request

Retrieve Identity request

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
   "client_id": String,
   "secret": String,
   "access_token": String,
   "user": {
       "phone_number": String,
       "legal_name": String,
       "email_address": String,
   "address": {
       "street": String,
       "region": String,
       "country": String,
       "city": String,
       "postal_code": String

Identity data straight from the source

The /identity/get and /identity/match endpoints allow you to retrieve various account holder information on file with the financial institution and assess how well it matches against the information the user has provided. This information includes names, phone numbers, addresses, and emails.

Retrieve Identity response

http code 200
  "accounts": [
    {"legal_name": {
        "score": 90,
        "is_nickname_match": true,
        "is_first_name_or_last_name_match": true,
        "is_business_name_detected": false
      "phone_number": {
        "score": 100
      "email_address": {
        "score": 100
      "address": {
        "score": 100,
        "is_postal_code_match": true
      "subtype": "checking",
      "type": "depository"
    {"legal_name": {
        "score": 30,
        "is_first_name_or_last_name_match": false
      "phone_number": {
        "score": 100
      "email_address": null,
      "address": {
        "score": 100,
        "is_postal_code_match": true
      "subtype": "savings",
      "type": "depository"
  "request_id": "3nARps6TOYtbACO"


phone numbers



Onboard more verified users with match

  • Increase sign ups: A popular investment platform saw an increase in conversion by more than 25%* by ensuring true account owners were not misclassified.

  • Save engineering and operations resources: Reduce in house engineering costs and manual reviews by outsourcing your matching efforts to Plaid.

  • Prevent downstream fraud: One of our digital bank customers saw that accounts with a mismatched phone number were 15x more likely to have an unauthorized return. They were able to use that information to block future users with mismatched phone numbers.

*compared to their in house matching algorithm