Verify real-time account balances
Product Features

Reduce NSF fees
Protect against overdraft and NSF fees by having visibility into available funds before you transfer (US and Canada)

Enable account pre-funding
Enable pre-funding of accounts with insight into balances (US and Canada)

Comprehensive data
Verify real-time account balances
Make a Balance request
Use the Balance endpoint to submit a POST request
The amount of funds available to be withdrawn from an account
The total amount of funds in the account
Retrieve Balance request
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"client_id": String,
"secret": String,
"access_token": String
We are always looking for more ways to get creative and help members reach their financial goals. As we grow our product offering, Plaid will continue to have a very important supporting role in our innovation.
To date, Plaid has helped Qapital members avoid more than $2.7 million in overdraft fees.