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A smartphone interface for sending money to Ghana. The screen shows a transfer of 100 GBP converting to 719 GHS. The Taptap Send logo, which includes a stylized bird, is visible on the left side of the image against a green background.


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Financial Services

Transforming Top Ups: How Taptap Send is Making Transfers Even Easier

Open banking is rapidly gaining popularity in the UK, meaning consumers increasingly expect their financial services providers to offer seamless, secure, and efficient payment options. As a global payments platform dedicated to simplifying money transfers, Taptap Send recognised the importance of meeting these evolving customer expectations head-on.

To enhance its customer experience and provide users with a more convenient way to top up their wallets, Taptap Send decided to embrace open banking and implement Payment Initiation. By leveraging this innovative technology, Taptap Send is not only meeting customers where they are but also delivering a superior user experience that sets it apart in the highly competitive remittance landscape.

Here's how Taptap Send is using open banking to enhance its customer experience in the UK.

On a Mission To Master the Customer Experience

Open banking means consumers have more ways than ever to make payments. However, for many customers, trying a new payment method can be a daunting prospect. The fear of the unknown, coupled with concerns about security and ease of use, can make customers hesitant to embrace new ways of managing their finances.Therefore, Taptap Send needed to find an open banking provider that it could trust—one that could provide an easy, safe, and simple payment experience to eliminate customers’ fears. “Plaid’s name recognition stood out”, says Charles Edwards-Kuhn, Taptap Send’s Chief Product Officer. So, the company decided to get in touch to discuss their requirements. Plaid’s team worked closely with Taptap Send’s internal experts to identify their goals, the potential nuances they’d encounter in the market, and determine what they needed.

“The Plaid team went above and beyond in addressing our key concerns during the vendor selection phase, clearly standing out from other options”, Charles Edwards-Kuhn, Taptap Send’s Chief Product Officer.

A Personalised, Professional Integration Process

Taptap Send wanted its customers to experience the benefits of seamless top ups as soon as possible. Having signed on the dotted line, it quickly began the process of integrating Payment Initiation into its operations.

“We've been super impressed with Plaid on the integration side, with clear milestones, sufficient implementation resourcing, and fast response times”, says Charles.

Plaid’s team took the time to understand Taptap Send’s unique requirements and considerations when implementing a new payment method. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, Plaid tailored the integration process, resources, and ongoing support to address Taptap Send’s specific use case and questions.

“The support has been outstanding. We’ve enjoyed the collaboration and individual attention we’ve received when we bring questions or concerns to the Plaid team”, notes Charles.

It’s Time To Experience the Benefits of Open Banking

“We're thrilled that Taptap Send has chosen Plaid as their trusted open banking platform, ensuring security and confidence for their customers. We can’t wait to see what results the integration will yield.” comments Brian Dammeir, Head of Europe at Plaid.

Thanks to this collaborative approach, Taptap Send is now able to provide UK customers with a new and instant method to top up their wallet. “We’re excited to grow with Plaid, continuing to increase the number of customers who have access to open banking as a part of our product offering”, Charles adds.

Looking to optimise your customer experience like Taptap Send? Get in touch with Plaid today.